
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Safe and sound in Bangkok...well kind of

So I've landed in Bangkok and spent more than half an hour trying to get the wifi to international roaming after all since it will cost an arm and a leg! It's a little bit stressful here, not knowing the layout of anything at all!

The food on my flight (Thai Airways) was actually really good. Two meals, both were chicken curry type things, and pretty much a full meal each! So I'm not hungry as much as I am just tired and confused...Oh well! With any luck I'll be a little better at this on my way back through in a month's time!

P.S. I should probably tell you how bad the landing was...I genuinely feared for my life...I was watching the camera that they had streaming from the rear fin of the plane, and the pilot came down on the runway at about a 5 degree difference to the runway (in yaw I mean) and I felt myself get wrenched sideways in my chair, all while I was watching the plane swerve all over the runway for the first few seconds...long story short, don't watch the live stream of the plane because it'll just make you more stressed.


  1. Oh William. Here's hoping for a better landing the next few times. You're right - don't look! It's kind of a life lesson actually ..... a whole lot of things are better if you're blissfully unaware!! :)

  2. Hi Will
    it is difficult doing things the first time .... but the good thing is it improves with experience - either that or you become blasé having survived!

  3. I love that you knew the technical term - "yaw". Yep don't watch.
